Silicon (Si)

Silicon (Si)


Atomic Number: 14

Atomic Weight: 28.0855

Melting Point: 1687 K (1414°C or 2577°F)

Boiling Point: 3538 K (3265°C or 5909°F)

Density: 2.3296 grams per cubic centimeter

Phase at Room Temperature: Solid

Element Classification: Semi-metal

Period Number: 3

Group Number: 14

Group Name: none


Silicon isotopes are used in a variety of applications. Si-28 has been suggested to improve the thermal conductivity of semiconductors. Si-29 is used extensively in NMR spectroscopy. Si-30 has been used to produce the radioisotope Si-31. Si-30 has also been used to study the self-diffusivity of Silicon and it has been used to study the isotope effect on superconductivity.

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